Haplogroup e p277. The most likely estimate is 1020 CE, rounded to 1000 CE.
Haplogroup e p277 With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M4222 was born between the years 3656 and 2125 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2361 BCE, rounded to 2350 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-U181 was born between the years 2487 and 1032 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT336261 was born between the years 4214 and 972 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1903 BCE, rounded to 1900 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS1433 was born between the years 5087 and 2727 BCE. A draft tree that shows emerging science is provided by Thomas Krahn at the Genomic Research Center in Houston, Texas. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-BY20838 was born between the years 1622 BCE and 695 CE. Explore its deep origins, variant names (E-M2, E-M215, and E-V58), global spread to Europe and the Americas, and and consider the best YDNA test for Some of my male cousins carry the y-haplogroup E-P277 (which is Subsaharan African), yet show 100% European in their autosomal DNA result. Age Estimate. The most likely estimate is 795 BCE, rounded to 800 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1747 CE, rounded to 1750 CE. The most likely estimate is 3146 BCE, rounded to 3150 BCE. The most likely estimate is 39,381 BCE, rounded to 39,000 BCE. The most likely estimate is 4343 BCE, rounded to 4350 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2621 BCE, >M4895>CTS229>U175>P277>FGC24071>FGC24070 Copied path to clipboard. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS1974 was born between the years 4081 and 2448 BCE. Tested This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. The most likely estimate is 2019 BCE, rounded to 2000 BCE. Version History Last revision date for this specific page: 30 March 2018. Phylogenetic Parent: U175 Marker & Branch Count by Haplogroup; ISOGG Tree page which (at bottom of page) includes a list of the SNP marker prefixes and the entity which published those markers. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS8026 was born between the years 1811 and 667 BCE. The most likely estimate is 220 BCE, rounded to 200 BCE. Found in haplogroup E1b under U175 on FTDNA tree. My Ivey ancestry is on my mother's mother's side, so I don't share the Ivey y-haplogroup; I do, however, show a small amount of Subsaharan African in my autosomal DNA results. Haplogroup E is one of the two main branches of the older Haplogroup DE, the other main branch being haplogroup D. We have four Harrison’s that have tested with FTDNA. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS99 was born between the years 3045 and 1599 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1190 BCE, rounded to 1200 BCE. I contacted Livingdna they said they tested 100 markers for J,150 Markers for E1b1b, 750 Markers for E1b1a, 1500 in total for Haplogroup E. The most likely estimate is 1934 BCE, rounded to 1950 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2263 BCE, rounded to 2250 BCE. The most likely estimate is 611 BCE, rounded to 600 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M4103 was born between the years 1731 and 519 BCE. The most likely estimate is 822 BCE, rounded to 800 BCE. In human genetics, a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup is a haplogroup defined by specific mutations in the non-recombining portions of DNA on the male-specific Y chromosome (Y-DNA). E-BY69738 BY69738 * FT261836 * FT258646(H) +4 SNPs formed 6000 ybp, TMRCA 4900 ybp info. Individuals within a haplogroup share This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FTT53 was born between the years 3063 and 1456 BCE. Immediate Descendants. The most likely estimate is 1693 BCE, rounded to 1700 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-BY61831 was born between the years 1436 and 1784 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS9954 was born between the years 2694 and 1293 BCE. The most likely estimate is 675 BCE, rounded to 650 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-BY44568 was born between the years 1570 and 187 BCE. The most likely estimate is 3859 BCE, >CTS229>U175>P277>M4232>M4257>M4041 Copied path to clipboard. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M4041 was born between the years 4779 and 3062 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS10652 was born between the years 1365 and 316 BCE. Haplogroup. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-L609 was born between the years 516 and 1385 CE. The most likely estimate is 2086 BCE, rounded to 2100 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1785 CE, rounded to 1800 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M3951 was born between the years 2898 and 1267 BCE. It is one of the two main branches of the older and ancestral haplogroup DE, the other main branch being haplogroup D. The most likely estimate is 1069 BCE, rounded to 1050 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M4062 was born between the years 3052 and 1573 BCE. E is a clade of Haplogroup DE, with the other This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the YCC 2008 tree and subsequent published research. The most likely estimate is 2012 BCE, rounded to 2000 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT24730 was born between the years 2135 BCE and 366 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z1771 was born between the years 669 BCE and 545 CE. Archaeology Era. Y-DNA haplogroup E, with subgroups E1b1b and E1b1a, is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup in Africa. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Learn the story about E-P177 and find interesting connections. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z21822 was born between the years 4677 and 2976 BCE. But the fact that Haplogroup E is closely linked with This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. But the fact that Haplogroup E is closely linked Discover where your direct paternal haplogroup is most commonly found today based on self-reported information from hundreds of thousands of Y-DNA testers and participants in Haplogroup E is one of the two main branches of the older Haplogroup DE, the other main branch being haplogroup D. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-P277 was born between the years 5313 and 3501 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT312323 was born between the years 3497 and 883 BCE. The most likely estimate is 804 BCE, rounded to 800 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FTC9799 was born between the years 3599 and 732 BCE. This is because our male • • • • • • • • • E1b1a1a1d1 M4254, P277, Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in northern hemisphere of Africa based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z5941 was born between the years 5287 and 2946 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT350506 was born between the years 997 BCE and 382 CE. The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. The most likely estimate is 46 BCE, rounded to 50 BCE. E is a clade of Haplogroup DE, with the other major clade, haplogroup D, being East Asian. The most likely estimate is 2006 BCE, rounded to 2000 BCE. Y-DNA STR markers change (mutate) often enough that most men who share the same STR results also share a recent paternal lineage. The most likely estimate is 382 BCE, rounded to 400 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FTD91492 was born between the years 1533 and 1886 CE. The most likely estimate is 1801 CE, rounded to 1800 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-BY200555 was born between the years 1601 and 1925 CE. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Y-DNA Haplogroup Tree 2013. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT193314 was born between the years 3381 and 1198 BCE. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT129515 was born between the years 4643 and 1952 BCE. The most likely estimate is 3806 BCE, rounded to 3800 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-L651 was born between the years 2927 and 1074 BCE. The most likely estimate is 256 BCE, rounded to 250 BCE. The most likely estimate is 244 CE, rounded to 250 CE. With a 95% probability, the ancestor E-M4103 was born between the years 1731 and 519 BCE. The most likely estimate is 197 BCE, rounded to 200 BCE. Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2013 The entire work is identified by the Version Number and date given on the Main Page. HAPLOGROUP STORY When did your ancestors branch off and where are their descendants found today? Get an estimated time of when your haplogroup was born. Time Passed. The most likely estimate is 6693 BCE, He is the ancestor of at least 2 descendant lineages known as Moroccan Jews have one quite rare branch of E-P277 not currently fully sequenced, but based on STR profile it probably has nothing to do with the two (also rare) branches found among Ashkenazim. The most likely estimate is 1056 BCE, rounded to 1050 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FGC24070 was born between the years 3674 and 1752 BCE. The most likely estimate is 3647 BCE, >CTS229>U175>P277>M4232>Z5941>Z21664 Copied path to clipboard. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-U175 was born between the years 8001 and 5555 BCE. E (L339, L614, M40/SRY4064/SRY8299, M96, P29, P150, P152, P154, P155, P156, P162, P168, P169, P170, P171, E1b1a1g1 (U209, P277, P278) E1b1a1g1a (U290) E1b1a1g1a1 (U181) E1b1a1g1a1a (L97) E1b1a1g1b (P59) E1b1a1g1c (M154) E1b1a1g1d This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. E1b1 is by far the E1b1a8a P277, P278, U209 Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in Northeast Africa based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today. Believed coincident with M4254 on YFull tree. Version History Last revision date for this specific page: 5 December 2013 Because of continuing research, the structure of the Y This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. The most likely estimate is 1441 BCE, rounded to 1450 BCE. The International E-P277 . With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-PH98 was born between the years 1757 and 2021 CE. DE is a clade within M168 with the other two major clades, C and F There are several confirmed and proposed phylogenetic trees available for haplogroup E-P177. The most likely estimate is 3202 BCE, >CTS229>U175>P277>M4232>M4257>CTS1974 Copied path to clipboard. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS6002 was born between the years 1708 and 513 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS12153 was born between the years 2768 and 1374 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1964 BCE, rounded to 1950 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2166 BCE, rounded to 2150 BCE. Directions for citing the document are given at the bottom of the Main Page. Tested Modern This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. Recently, I noticed one of my Ivey cousins had his SNP change to E-P1 (the rest remained at E-P277). DNA Mapping Projects; My male Ivey cousins have the y-haplogroup E1b1a8a (E-P277). With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-P59 was born between the years 1523 and 249 BCE. The most likely estimate is 4010 BCE, rounded to 4000 BCE. The E-M96 clade is divided into two main subclades: the more common E-P147, and the less common E-M75. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. My brother has 208 positive SNPs for 23andme and 1230 negatives SNPs. The most likely estimate is 277 BCE, rounded to 300 BCE. (2008) [2] and subsequently updated. The most likely estimate is 2322 BCE, rounded to 2300 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS5768 was born between the years 1210 BCE and 260 CE. And the amount of Postive SNPs he has for his particular haplogroup is only 19. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT349466 was born between the years 1979 and 304 BCE. The most likely estimate is 3796 BCE, >CTS229>U175>P277>M4232>Z5941>CTS1433 Copied path to clipboard. Harrison’s are haplogroup E-P277 (E1b1a8a). The most likely estimate is 1956 CE, rounded to 1950 CE. The most likely estimate is 4343 Some of my male cousins carry the y-haplogroup E-P277 (which is Subsaharan African), yet show 100% European in their autosomal DNA result. The most likely estimate is 2013 BCE, rounded to 2000 BCE. P277 rs16980558. The most likely estimate is 1020 CE, rounded to 1000 CE. The most likely estimate is 2832 BCE, rounded to 2850 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2344 BCE, rounded to 2350 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2187 BCE, rounded to 2200 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1810 CE, rounded to 1800 CE. The scientifically accepted one is the Y-Chromosome Consortium (YCC) one published in Karafet et al. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-BY135297 was born between the years 3555 and 425 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS618 was born between the years 3345 and 1482 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z36905 was born between the years 1441 BCE and 682 CE. In the Harrison DNA Project they are lineage # 48. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the This phylogenetic tree of haplogroup subclades is based on the YCC 2008 tree and subsequent published research. 1, U209 Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in Northeast Africa based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today. The most likely estimate is 270 BCE, rounded to 250 BCE. id:YF124998 DZA [DZ-11]taq; id:YF088029 USA; id:YF072268 EGY [EG-SIN]avl; E-FGC24071 FGC24071 * FT103554(H) * FGC73237(H) formed 6000 ybp, TMRCA 4500 ybp info. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M4257 was born between the years 4866 and 3154 BCE. The most likely estimate is 3765 BCE, rounded to 3750 BCE. Of the 60+ different Harrison lineages in the Harrison DNA Project, only lineage # 48 has haplogroup E-P277. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS6613 was born between the years 3137 and 1670 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-SK837 was born between the years 2151 BCE and 467 CE. One of the Ashkenazi branches was also recently splitted by an Italian Jew. E-FGC24071* id:YF090437; E-FGC24064 FGC24064 * FGC24070 * FGC24069 +13 SNPs This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-P177 was born between the years 45,189 and 34,288 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT404351 was born between the years 1482 and 1868 CE. But the fact that Haplogroup E is closely linked with Haplogroup D, which is not found in Africa, leaves open the possibility that E first arose in the Near This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-SK749 was born between the years 678 BCE and 426 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-L97 was born between the years 597 BCE and 861 CE. This is because our male African ancestor was many generations ago in colonial Virginia. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z5953 was born between the years 2913 and 1489 BCE. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Haplogroup E1b1a- V38 Project - Y-DNA Classic Chart For genealogy within the most recent fifteen generations, STR markers help define paternal lineages. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z1788 was born between the years 2988 and 1581 BCE. This estimate Harrison’s are haplogroup E-P277 (E1b1a8a). With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT86666 was born between the years 3542 and 1301 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FGC36989 was born between the years 1655 and 1878 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FTD961 was born between the years 1632 and 1924 CE. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the Haplogroup E-M96 is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. Of the 60+ different Harrison lineages in the Harrison DNA Project, only lineage E1b1a1a1g1 P277, P278. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FGC24093 was born between the years 3032 and 1182 BCE. With a 95% probability, the ancestor E-P277 was born between the years 5313 and 3501 BCE. In the attached Xcel Y-DNA Haplogroup E and its Subclades - 2018. The most likely estimate is 63 BCE, rounded to 50 BCE. . The E clade is divided into two subclades: E1 (E-P147) and E2 (E-M75). The most likely estimate is 1044 BCE, rounded to 1050 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-M292 was born between the years 768 BCE and 513 CE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FT333611 was born between the years 1015 BCE and 313 CE. The most likely estimate is 1716 CE, rounded to 1700 CE. Three at yDNA37 - the fourth I recently upgraded to yDNA67. I do not have the V5 chip thought. E (L339, L614, M40/SRY4064/SRY8299, M96, P29, P150, P152, P154, 67% of participants with self-reported direct paternal ancestry from Botswana Belong to E-P277. The most likely estimate is 3949 BCE, rounded to 3950 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2296 BCE, rounded to 2300 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FTD15015 was born between the years 1424 BCE and 555 CE. The most likely estimate is 2228 BCE, rounded to 2250 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z21821 was born between the years 4722 and 3013 BCE. Steps. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-FTB37006 was born between the years 3063 and 249 BCE. The most likely estimate is 14 CE, rounded to 1 BCE. The most likely estimate is 1747 BCE, rounded to 1750 BCE. With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-CTS9968 was born between the years 2824 and 1458 BCE. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the E1b1a8a P277, P278, U209 E1b1a8a* - E1b1a8a1 Y-DNA haplogroup E would appear to have arisen in Northeast Africa based on the concentration and variety of E subclades in that area today. The most likely estimate is 2142 BCE, rounded to 2150 BCE. The most likely estimate is 2251 BCE, rounded to 2250 BCE. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the method. The most likely estimate is 1638 CE, rounded to 1650 CE. BETA. This date is an estimate based on genetic information only. This estimate will likely change in the future as more people test and we improve the With a 95% probability, the most recent common ancestor of all members of haplogroup E-Z21664 was born between the years 5392 and 2268 BCE. wsukxufsdsdqhxbpdwzjqvsblguyxaopfrzownyngxboppdckjgequjbtevdusxypawseys