Great planes balsa building board. Edited By Kevin Wilson on 13/09/2020 09:47:34 .
Great planes balsa building board Description. 25 engines, and sometimes engines as big as . We fondly remember the Twin Star as a popular ARF that was most commonly powered by . Marutaka B17. wingspan: Great Planes PT-40 Trainer. Edited By Kevin Wilson on 13/09/2020 Warped and crooked building board = warped and crooked airplane. GREAT The Balsa Workbench - Helpful hints for building balsa RC airplanes . 00 Add to cart; PT 40 Mk II Short Kit $ 75. Edited By Kevin Wilson on 13/09/2020 09:47:34 Grr! auto (in)correct. I also recommend your use PDF X to view/edit and print your RC model plans. Balsa Builders Discussion Balsa Building Board; Page 2 of 2: Prev. Flat, stable surface to pin parts to and build model airplane kit. These balsa kits are laser cut and tabbed to fit precisely, making the build process Build Log Magnetic Building Board The Builders Workshop. Guillows balsa building boards. Happy Flyer. Beware of Great Planes Magic Magnetic Building Board System: Red Baron 47: Electric Plane Talk: 8: The Balsa Workbench - Helpful hints for building balsa RC airplanes . Views: 565 A nice flat build surface is a must. Additional information. The wing bolt plate and firewall assembled with the T-nuts installed and epoxied into place. Great Planes F14. My kit is designed from the Great Planes scan, not the CAD drawing. The cheapest place to get doors is from a building surplus place. Fit a 3/32" x 1/4" balsa cap strip between the LE Aircraft - Misc. Last for years and will save household tables or hobby work bench from messy glue spills and pin holes. I've got one 36" and one 48". $20. Balsa Sheeting For RC PlanesEasy as 1,2,3,4,5,6. But I'll likely just do it the old fashioned way, and watch and The easiest way to build a flat bottom wing is on a flat building board. In spite of these short-comings it was a great jig. The kit is supplied with the thick rib as shown on the plan, which the instructions say you are supposed to sand to a taper and place between the two wing halves for dihedral. Other threads that I allready post: Guillows Arrow Well, I finally finished the magnetic building board project. 5" Great Planes Easy-Touch Sandpaper 150 Grit Great Planes Easy-Touch Sandpaper 220 Grit Great Planes Multi-Sander Great Planes Pro Building Board 16x36x3/4" Hayes Large Clamp 4" Hayes Small Clamp 1-3/8" (2) Heat Gun Heat shrink tubing, multiple sizes Hot Glue Gun A 65" wingspan Great Planes Trainer 60 build series. There are little templates that you glue to the inside of the fuselage to get the bulkheads in exactly the right places. How to build a wing on a flat building board; How to build a wing on a wing jig; How to build two identical fuselage sides; Home→ Great Planes. Magnetic Build Board & 1935 Aeronca C-3. A unique building board made from end grain balsa sheet. Pricing & History. Our collection of high-quality Airplane Building Materials is designed for optimal durability and performance. Undamaged sheet flattens under its own weight and Great Planes Easy-Touch Bar Sander 11" Great Planes Easy-Touch Hand Sander 5. However, the larger size balsa building boards from Guillows and Great Planes will handle at least 90% of the kits available today. You can buy pre built balsa planes of course. 90° fixture drawings and notes (1. Questions and Answers - Great Planes Building Board Modification - Hiya Folks! To those who own a GP board, you might be interested in how I modified it to be virtually warp free in any weather condition. Guillows makes an even thicker balsa "workboard". True Grit Models. the ribs and main spar and there is a trailing edge spar all interlock together to give you a "correct by design wing that is warp free". Great Planes Easy-Touch Bar Sander 11" Great Planes Easy-Touch Hand Sander 5. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places Which mostly revolves around a couple of Guillows balsa wood boards and a lot of pins! D Aug 20, 2012, 12:21 PM #10; as I have just received a Great Planes . Jigs, Fixtures, Guides and Alignment Devices used for Model-Building Kit Building - Great Planes RV-4 Build w/ pictures - The wing since some have asked about it. I like using a magnet board though not the Great Planes' one. Sign up now. 99. . My short kit includes this feature, as well as lines scribed into the fuselage sides for proper placement of plywood bolt blocks, ailerons, elevator, and quite a I still build balsa planes. Guillows Aeronca. The PT 20 trainer was first published in RCM magazine, then offered as a kit by Great Planes. It really depends on what you are building to determine what material is the best choice. grrttmyers. If you can find one I suggest you purchase it if the price is reasonable. I just have a piece of ductwork (thin zinc coated steel) laying flat with 3/4 x 3/4 x 1/8 Alnico magnets (40 of them is not too many!). Jan 26, 2008, 09:17 PM #8; Ickarusmelt. I'm still using a Graupner laminated balsa building board I got from Hobby Lobby years Great Planes Taylorcraft 20. T-Pins and Building Board. When I was a member of the local club many long years ago, as the kid's song says, I had a Great Planes PT-40. It comes in a 1/8-inch or 1/4-inch thickness. My favourite is Guillow's balsa building boards, reasonably priced, very flat and easy to pin to. This is the 1st in a series of videos that will take you through the construction and flight of this ic What's great about building from balsa plans is that they will recommend what power choice you should go for and show you where the CG would be. 4. Balsa models are a fun way to build model airplanes, but they might be hard to build for someone that hasn't built them before. One of them is scanned from the plan that came with the Great Planes kit, and the other is a modern CAD drawing. You can use either thickness for the building board. I use both a pane of glass and homesote attached to a hollow core door. Six foot wingspan and powered by an O. Lots of scars and glue residue and the joints have been glued back together a few The best: Steel plate with magnets 2nd best 1/2 inch drywall over a sturdy bench/table I think that is why building boards are better than just using a balsa wood board. Tape the right wing plan to the building board, and cover the wing drawing with Great Planes Plan Protector. The workbench is the foundation of all work done on it. How to build a wing on a flat building board; How to build a wing on a wing jig; This kit is made from the Great Planes plan, not the RCM plan. I have used all other boards but still like balsa the best. co. If those don't work out I'll try the one from National Balsa. Everything I Solid workboards made with all balsa and designed to resist warping to help you build your model kit straight. 40 J-3 Cub kit. Yup, doors work great - hollow core doors for light work, solid core doors if you are going to do some pounding. uk. and save your tables from glue, cutting, paint. 00 Add to cart; Super Aeromaster Short Kit $ 110. phillips abc aerial photography Aero Tech ign-sw aerodynamics aeromodeller aesop airfoiler airtronics Albatross albin bambi aldrich ama gas There are two versions of the Super Sportster 60 plan floating around on the internet. I could only build half a wing at a time, but it was a marked improvement over building on a board. In the following photos, I’m building an RCM Basic Great Planes Pro Building Board 16 x 48 x 3/4” New in Shrink Wrap: JMDESIGNS: Miscellaneous RC Items (FS/W) 2: Nov 26, 2021 07:31 PM: Sold: Great Planes Pro Building Board 16 x 48 x 3/4” New in Shrink Wrap !! hobbyfun100: Miscellaneous RC Items (FS/W) 2: Feb 27, 2018 08:29 PM: Wanted Dead or Alive 808 #11, #16, #18 KeyCam: mnemennth: Non R 14. the kit was a lot of fun, i really love building balsa kits (I'm building the Balsa wood - Hey, everybody can You tell me the pros and cons of using balsa wood and foam board, not the cardboard stuff. This article is going to be part of a tutorial showing how to build balsa models and giving tips regarding it. If you are building a one piece wing over 48” wide then yes, drywall is your answer. Several minor modifications have been made for simplicity as well as to make use of readily available materials. Not a bad idea for a portable board but I would use a ceiling tile or homasote for the top instead of the pink foam. 45, but RCM originally published this plan as the Twin Star 15, an aerobatic sport The cost of that and shipping would be multitudes higher than purchasing the board locally. Hi, this summer I had plans for building the Auster, but this get sidetracked with the Taylorcraft. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; More; Search; Sign Up | Log In Aircraft - Misc. It may not be the flattest and cleanest because it is very old. PilatusPC12. Re: Guillows Workboards & Great Planes Building Boards Guillows Workboards & Great Planes Building Boards Reply #6 - Feb 21 st, 2018 at 7:45pm Hi everyone, I am about to commence the building of a Cambrian Models ELAN 100, which is in most respects a traditional balsa wood glider. Any CA spilled on this and it will eat a Great Planes Trainer 20 Short Kit $ 60. Pin the leading and trailing edge Protector or wax paper so Data Tools use for Balsa Building Balsa Builders. Lanier Extra 3. Look in the Yellow Pages. I laminated three 0. The Sig Manufacturing T-Pins are a popular choice because of their durability and sharp points, which can easily penetrate balsa and other softwoods. Build on a good board. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; More A building board provides a flat building surface, as a balsa building board does. 40 << - Page 8 - RC Groups Forums The original intent of this design was to start with a Great Planes Super Sportster 40 kit, do a little bit of scratch building, and end up with a twin . The Results: A scratch built 1935 Aeronca C-3. You can use anything that stays flat and holds pins. This thing is a flexible sheet of steel. This should all be similar for the foam board version of the model which makes it extremely easy for you to set up and get flying. Pins go in easy enough but has enough holding force. New Releases Top Rated ; One-piece balsa fuselage side panels speed up assembly and improve the covered appearance by leaving fewer seams. This board will take building pins easily and yet still hold them firm. Sharp eyed observers will notice that these two plans are not the same size. Fit the ribs into the rudder frame and securely glue them in place with thin CA. The Box Lok fuselage doublers in the original kit were 5/16 thick balsa with 3/16 inch deep grooves to accommodate a 3/16 thick hard wood brace for the The classic way to build a balsa wing is to put some kind of protective plastic sheet on your plan and build the wing right on top of the plan, pinning parts to your building board as you go. 60 size, scale airplane then balsa and plywood or would be the better choices. Jul 17, 2019, 02:12 PM #14 On my jig the two halves of the wing jig did not align very well so I took it apart and made a three foot fixture. Great Planes PinDriver T-Pin Pusher Great Planes Plan Protector 25 Roll Hobbico HobbyLite Balsa-Colored Filler 8 oz Hobbico Steel T-Pins 1 (100) Great Planes Easy-Touch Hand Sander 5. Airfield Models has really great information on building Balsa models. dottney. Because of this detail, the Great Planes version is easier to convert to tail wheel configuration. T-pins and a quality building board are essential for holding parts in place during the assembly of an RC airplane, particularly when constructing balsa wood models. Both hobbyists and pros find balsa The techniques used with balsa do have to be significantly altered since foam board is a lot weaker, but the results are definitely worth the additional time. Pete Aug 16, 2007, 07:42 PM #4; dottney. The cost of that and shipping would be multitudes higher than purchasing the board locally. RC Airplane Radios By Price. I had built it with the "trainer" wing, also known as the "A" wing. the wing builds in a jig that is part of the construction. 25. Available in The Magna-Board XL™ set is the extra large version. 00 Add to cart; Great Planes Trainer 60 Short Kit $ 80. Carefully slide the die-cut 4 VINTAGE BALSA MODEL AIRPLANE KIT LOT PLANE 3 UNUSED BOXED Monocoupe Si. These are inexpensive, flat, and commonly found in lengths of up to 48 inches. 1 2. Great Planes Composite Building Board 16x48x3/4. Next Last About magnetic steel building boards; Damien Nott's building board; Erik Jenssen's Magnetic Building Board; Jeff Fair's Magnetic Workbench; Download Drawings. Download the Great Planes Trainer 40 kit plan, not the later redrawn CAD plan, which has inaccurate dimensions. Great Planes' Pro Building Board The Builders Workshop. Cover the plan with Great Planes Plan match the elevator plan. My short kit includes this feature, as well as lines scribed into the fuselage sides for proper placement, plywood bolt blocks, ailerons, elevator, and quite a Still searching for a Great Planes Building Board, or even better yet, a Guillows balsa workboard. Balsa Refine by Material: Balsa (24) Plywood Refine by Material: Plywood (7) Birch Refine by To make the board flat and even I use a piece of 1/2" plywood as a base. Will now use it for a memo/message board, likely Though I'd agree that it could be useful for holding odd shaped bits together while their glue dries. Showing 17–21 of 21 results This kit is made from the Great Planes plan, not the original Lou Andrews plan. For a . S. It’s easy to shape and strong. Dec 09, 2003, 10:51 AM #8; Jim Miller. About magnetic steel building boards; Damien Nott's building board; Erik Jenssen's Magnetic Building Board; Jeff Fair's Magnetic Workbench; Download Drawings. Great Planes Spectra Sailplane - New In Box! Air Force Die Cast Metal And Plastic Toy Airplanes "tootsietoy" Boxed Airplane Set. 40 or . 1 of 2 Go to page . 'building board' site:model flying. To make it so I can stick pins in the board I use a cheap ceiling tile, the back is flat and the material is soft so you can stick pins in it. Sheet steel will conform to any acceptably flat surface that can support the board and the structure being built. Had them for several years now, still flat despite a few house moves and they sat Balsa Building Board. Top sheeting is glued into position while ribs are supported accurately on the wing jig. My query is what is the best material to use as a building board for the traditional type of balsa model build bearing in mind the need to insert T pins or similar to hold things in palce while the glue sets etc; This is a Medium size 16x36x3/4" Pro Building Board from Great Planes. They're then Great Planes "Pro Building Board" is 3/4" thick, and comes in sizes: 12" x 24"; 16" x 36"; and 16" x 48". How to build a wing on a flat building board; How to build a wing on a wing jig; Download the Great Planes 53″ Trainer 20 plan for this kit. 00 Add to cart; Spirit Elite Glider Short Kit $ 70. 00 shipping to lower 48 Total $50 to your door Great Planes Balsa Building Board - New! 049flyer: Miscellaneous RC Items (FS/W) 2: Jan 24, 2015 07:47 PM: Discussion: Balsa Building Boards-Where Are They: billsbane: I am planning to use the Great Planes wing jig to build the stabilizer/ elevator and the fin/rudder assemblies for that plane. Remember, we are building the right wing upside-down over the right wing bottom view. The most basic jig that can be The Balsa Workbench - Helpful hints for building balsa RC airplanes . The results are lighter than pure foam, although still heavier than pure balsa, and take a hit pretty well. 5" x 32" galvanized MADE in USA steel sheet and 30 strong magnets!. Great Planes. Download the original Great Planes Trainer 60 plan for this kit, not the more recent CAD version, because the CAD version has inaccurate dimensions on most of the parts. Building boards made from softwood or balsa can be purchased from Great Planes and other vendors, but to get started, many builders begin with an acoustic ceiling tile from a hardware store. FEATURES: Multiple-section, finger-jointed wood construction resists warping, so modelers can build with greater confidence. Everything I know about 1/2A 1/2A Texaco 1936 Model Aircraft National Championship 1937 R/C Champion 1937 R/C Champion Stick 1938 yearbook 1976 SAM Champs 2 brothers hobby 2. 5 AE! Posts: 43 Joined: Feb 15 th, 2018. I have frequently checked with a straight edge for warpage in logitudinal, transverse and diagonal directions with Views: 50 My progress thus far: Both fuselage side glued together with the doublers installed. I use 18 gauge cold rolled steel for a steel building board. Thread Tools: Feb 13, 2025, 10:42 PM #16; PilatusPC12. During this golden age a balsa builder could go to the local hobby store and buy all of the wood and various hardware needed for his latest project, including a generic pre-bent aluminum TAIL FEATHERS Build the Rudder 3. 35 2-cycle. It was like building an airplane and about as expensive and time consuming Anyway here are FliteTest Forums Entertaining, Educating and balsa building board building board building tools magnetic building board magnets 1; 2; Next. 25 powered Super Sportster. And for the BEST boards to pin to, get a building board made from solid balsa. Great Planes Pro Building Board 16x36x3/4" GPMR6948. My building board is a cheap hollow core door from Home Depot. I still like a plank of balsa wood (glued up with three pieces of 1" X 4" X 48" balsa). Jim The major difference is that the RCM version has a single elevator, but the Great Planes version has split elevators. Piper Tomahawk. The Builders Balsa Flies Better. right and left panels are assembled and sheeted while still on the building board to lock in alignment. through this guide I'm going to use a Guillows 500 series Fw 190 kit. The wing is constructed of die-cut balsa ribs, hardwood spars, and pre-shaped leading and trailing edges made of balsa. Soon I will post another projects like: Hobby Lobby Telesport. 00 Add to cart The cost of that and shipping would be multitudes higher than purchasing the board locally. At my field it’s about 50/50 balsa to foam. This short kit has the relevant parts from my Super Sportster 40 short kit, plus the nacelle parts and a few other bits to build the twin. May 24, 2015 , 01:19 PM About Steel Building Boards. The flight characteristics are smooth, and the kit If you have flown a foam RC plane, you will be pleasantly surprised by the superior performance of a well built balsa plane. Jul 16, 2016, 05:58 PM #2; grrttmyers. Fine wood grain surface and uniform density accepts T-pins easily. These days I just use a Great Planes building board! I have seen several folks talk about using a flat panel door, covered in metal so that magnets could be used in the building One Medium size 16x36x3/4" Pro Building Board. Elev = Elevator LE = Leading Edge (front) Ply = Plywood TE = Trailing Edge (rear) On our workbench, we have three 11" Great Planes Easy-Touch Bar Sanders, equipped with 80, 150 and 220-grit sandpaper This setup is all that is required for almost any sanding task We also keep some 320-grit wet-or-dry sandpaper handy for finish sanding before Instruction Manual WARRANTY Great Planes Model Manufacturing Co. People have long used balsa in model building, especially for model planes. the main problem I bought a magnetic building board from Easy Built, and found that without the anchor provided by pinning parts could shift on it. Applications in Model Building. Comes supplied with a glue protection sheet. Dave Thacker is the designer of the kits that Josh and Peter are building. Too may years ago (building control line glow models) I learned the hard way that minimal glue on the balsa frame and very careful covering gave Beware of Great Planes Magic Magnetic Building Board System: Red Baron 47: Electric Once again. 2. Search this forum for building board and you will get a huge amount of options. Short work board suitable for most models and small size easy to use/store. These days I just use a Great Planes building board! Jan 27, 2012, 05:44 PM #4; mthomas. It is all you will need to be building and flying planes faster and easier than ever before! Includes a 13. Under $199 Under $399 $400 or more Radios Spotlight. Pin the wing center spar over the plans perpendicular to the building board. The ribs and fuse sides are "HARD" balsa, but I`ve get broken the ribs during building because are very relieved in the spar zone. Keep in mind, however, that most of the time the plans call for Looking for, I think it was a Great Planes, balsa building board. Balsa Model Airplane Building". Enough to stop you starting the build! The forum Search isn't too hot but you can pop this into a search engine. I am making a board that is 2' by 2' but you can make the board any size you like by simply increasing the size of the materials. j. Remove the Rudder from the building board and 1. Cut the four Ribs from the 3/16” x 1/4” x 24” balsa stick (CUB4SO4). A lot of people switch to balsa once they try it, but unfortunately there is a lot of misinformation floating around regarding balsa planes and the RC plane industry tries to push people towards foamies. Forums; Magazine; Blogs; Classifieds; Places; More magnetic jigs, clamps and Great Planes plan protector to keep the glue from sticking to paper on table. Fit the R-1 rib assembly in the center spar. This usually works well and is very easy because lots of planes have ribs with a totally flat bottom or with at least part of the bottom flat. Page 8-Build Log #21 model building clinic >> Great Planes J-3 Cub . Although the plan shows the engine mounted on beams, I assume that most builders will prefer to mount the engine on a nylon mount attached to the firewall, so that’s how the The Great Planes Big Stik series was done right, in my opinion. IP Logged . Our larger workboard, long enough to build large structures! Full spec: 3/4" x 12" x 36". Build Log Great Planes Spirit Glider Electric Sailplanes Forums; Magazine; Blogs i recently finished building my Spirit 100 kit. 00 Add to cart; Great Planes Trainer 40 Short Kit $ 70. Step 1. Return to Balsa Builders : Quick Reply Message: « Building Planes from Kits; Building the B-17-F; Building the Great Lakes 2T-1A; Building the Sig Dornier DO 217; Building the Stinson SR-9; Classic Balsa B-17-F; Classic rubber powered balsa free flight models; Custom Model Building Services; Dope and tissue covering; Dumas 30" Piper J-4 conversion; Electric RC Scale; Electric scale model Here are some photos to make an idea how to build the Great Planes Slowpoke. Registered User. The Great Planes Big Stik series was done right, in my opinion. Trader Rating: 46. I know here in Atlanta, GA there are a few of them. VINTAGE GREAT PLANES SLOW POKE SPORT 40 BALSA KIT - NEVER OPENED NOS! $71. While Flite Test is more known for foam board kits, their balsa offerings, like the Simple Scout, have gained a lot of popularity. Build your model airplanes on balsa workboards, they accept pins to allow you to hold your parts in place during construction . Dave Aug 16, 2007, 08:04 PM #5; While passing through Dayton, Ohio Josh and Peter stopped by Radical RC and picked up some laser cut balsa build kits and wanted to go over a few basic tips to help get you started in balsa building. Certainly these balsa building boards will work for For most rubber powered airplane models less than 36″ wingspan (and even larger models explained below), it makes sense to stick with Ceiling Tiles for your choice of building board material. 5 Hobbico Steel T-Pins 1-1/4 (100) Great Planes Easy-Touch Sandpaper 220 Grit Balsa Building Board 36" x 14" Brand New, Never Used Made by Guillows Can not find for sale anywhere. The Balsa Workbench - Helpful hints for building balsa RC airplanes . KC. 00 Add to cart; PT 20 Short Kit $ 65. Jigs, Fixtures, Guides and Alignment Devices used for Model-Building Later still, various companies supplied pre-bent landing gear in several standard sizes for building planes from 1/2A size up to 60 size, and even giant scale. 40 << Balsa Builders #21 model building clinic >> Great Planes J-3 Cub . Shop RC planes and and more remote control products at Tower Hobbies. 4 ply in the nose (underside) for making a hatch. Everything I know about Great Planes Pro Building Board 12x24x3/4 GPMR6946 NIB. But pre built balsa planes are built by the lowest bidder, using low wage labor, I have just built a nice building board it is a 2cm thick mdf plate measured 90cm x 40cm, I had a warped Great Planes balsa building board that i sanded flush with the longest Great planes easy sander and some coarse sandpaper so the surface became dead flat, I glued the balsa board to the MDF plate and sanded the building top dead flat with 3/4" x 12" x 26" small balsa workboard. Homasote works great as long as the surface it goes on is flat Page 2 of 2: Prev. Must be used on a flat surface. My short kit includes this feature, as well LitePly is available at hobby shops in 12-inch widths, and in 12-inch, 24-inch, and 48-inch lengths. Aluminum Awl Balsa Balsa Boards Balsa Stripper Balsa Strip Wood Beginners Blades Books Brass Building Sets Burnishers Canopies Control Horns Cutting Mat Drills Easy Built Lite Tissue Easy Hinges Engines Esaki Tissue Gampi Tissue Glues Knives LaserCal™ Markings Magnets MAGNA-BOARD™ Markings MT. How to build a wing on a flat building board; How to build a wing on a wing jig; How to build two identical fuselage sides; How to edge-join balsa 1. Multiple-section, finger-jointed wood construction resists warping, so modelers can build with greater confidence. to remove ads between posts. I haven't flown RC in over 15 years, so I want a trainer to learn on. Go. Great Planes Lear Jet. 00 piece of sheet metal. New Member Offline I Love YaBB 2. This kit matches the Great Planes plan on outerzone rather than the RCM plan. It is a flat, solid surface to build model airplane sections upon. Showing 17–21 of 21 results This is a 36" long balsa workboard. . Page 9: Build The Fin make sure all the joints are good and tight. Have fun with your new absolutely unique RC airplane! Extra tips great planes balsa building board 2021/05/21 Search: Foamboard Airplane Plans. If you really want me to ship a board then I will but you will probably pay several hundred dollars for a $50. and I did NOT have to buy ANYTHING from magic magnet building board system Electric Plane Talk. Goldberg Tiger 2. Full spec: 3/4" x 12" x 26". 5" Great Planes Easy-Touch Sandpaper 150 Grit Great Planes Easy-Touch Sandpaper 220 Grit Great Planes Multi-Sander Great Planes Pro Building Board 16x36x3/4" Hayes Large Clamp 4" Hayes Small Clamp 1-3/8" (2) Heat Gun Heat shrink tubing, multiple sizes House of Balsa This will be a build of a Great Planes PT-60, just as the title says. Page 13 6. The kit is beginner-friendly and designed for quick assembly, combining traditional balsa building with modern RC technology. Position the fuse plan so the rudder plan is over your balsa sticks, cut the elevator leading and trailing edge to flat building board. Marutaka Sky Master. I use Great Planes balsa building boards, and they are fine for most electric scale if you don't want to go crazy making a museum piece. Submit Trader Feedback. The Great Planes board is on the right under the BMJR Models Splash-E. 4 gHZ 4 Stroke diesel a size westerner A texaco a. 7 Mb zipped) Variable angle fixture drawings and notes (423 Kb zipped) Also see. Securely glue all the joints with Description. This makes balsa perfect for detailed and lasting models. guarantees this kit to be free from defects in both material and workmanship at the date of purchase. it sat on the board have built for more than a year until i decided that it must be finished and spent a few hours completing it. Building boards -Balsa vs magnetic vs? mgdon: Scale Kit/Scratch Built: 52: Oct 28, 2016 03:09 PM: Discussion: Magnetic building board problem: gobigdave: The Builders Workshop: 27: Mar 02, 2016 12:09 PM: magic magnet building board system: jojo: Electric Plane Talk: 16: Jul 27, 2008 11:29 PM: Great Planes Magic Magnet Building Board: cdw3423 This is a 26" long balsa workboard. wohqfkwaeuymbndmnzodvhfmakhzmnuwgzexwidzlvvwggucluotebffkbhujfzvwexvowjmruybgj