Ddo ranger inquisitive 12 points in Harper for KTA and INT-to-dmg. 1) Yes. I'm currently using a heavy non-repeating crossbow and the Dual Shooter enhancement in Inquisitive tree. Its own rune arm damage proc scales at 200 I'm wanting to play through a few inquisitive Shadar-kai lives, and would like it to be able to trap. Are you planning on updating your very well-written guide anytime soon? I found it years ago and it has been of great help in my builds. Reactions: Hireling, DDO Noob and FaceDancer. The dino rune arm is amazing with the skeleton raid optional 3% doubleshot augment. The problem is that no matter how i run the numbers, inquisitive always wins because they fire twice, meaning law dice and sneak attack gets applied twice. I wanted to use this ability but also have competent damage, so I turned to falconer ranger using inquisitive to make sure I wasn't lacking in the DPS department. The work-around is to get +2/3 to DC's from Spellsinger using 8/12 I'm testing an inquisitive build but undecided which class to use for the last 4 level, Rogue 1 for for skill Arti - 4 level for crossbow, runearm & 1 extra feat Dark hunter - 11 for BAB, hit dice & some ranger feat. Could someone point me to a dual wielding repeater xbow inquisitive build that I can knock out a I played a 16 rogue/2 monk/2 ranger through a dozen reaper Sharn sagas. I also played in HC season 3 and loved it for many reasons, except for the lag! Currently testing this build as a first lifer (currently lvl 7) on Sarlona and generally just using items this character farms (though You will have spare feats for Empower Healing Spell and qualify with artificer. I think you'll have a much easier time soloing heroic, compared to a ranged build. ; In Update 66, several existing ranged attacks were converted to affect all enemies in an area near the primary target/impact point. Now i want 2 more ranger past lives. so I did every single past life of every kind on 2 Hey, I played a lot of inqu builds, mostly 12 rog/6rang/2arty (sturdy, sneak attack with sniper shot) 15 alch/3rang/2rog (imbue build, nice alch buffs/boosts/heals) 18 alch/2arty (best heals/buffs/boosts) what seems to be better now? concentration on sneak attacks or imbues? Guess SA better for partyplay, imbues for solo would be happy to hear some experiences! 10K subscribers in the ddo community. Deep wood if you have it has survivalist for prr in light armor plus a ton of other benefits. That's not a great ROI, especially since you skipped Dark Hunter's +3 Imbue dice for 13 APs. inquisitive ( 15 alchemist / 3 Ranger / 2 Rogue ) repeater ( 20 artificer )-----inquisitive has the ability to get a LOT more imbue dice than artificer and those imbue dice are do more damage than Battle Engineer imbue dice. 1d10 scaling at 200% Ranged Pure ranger archer still works fine but there are stronger DPS options if you have the Horizon Walker tree. It's how you learn and get better! This would be a great build for a ranger life, for sure. My favorite is 15 arti/ranger/2 rogue 26 imbue dice at cap, 170+ base damage, 10sa dice. Ranger also gives you a nice past life if you decided you liked it. Dark Hunter or ranger Inquisitive probably works fine for farming a past-life. You can dump 4 AP into Tempest for a twp second Deflect Arrow. the split is 12 dark hunter 6 I am playing an Ranger Inquisitive and getting closer to my first Epics run now. Rogue Ranger 7. crossbow - 2 arti/rogue, 6 ranger, 12 whatever - Inquisitive (with around 12 points in Harper and DWS) repeater - basically requires playing an Artificer Ranged feels bad to play in ddo unless your at cap doing raids so you can just sit there with your archers focus. It's a fantastic build to keep pace with multi-TRs and grind reaper points in high skulls and epic/racial PLs I tested a 2 rogue 2 ranger 11 fighter pdk build wis based using Falconry and Inquisitive, This is a very strong dps option, the fighter feats all add to static ranged power hit and damage and the ranged falconry attacks are strong. In Module 3, the feat Improved Precise Shot was introduced, which allow your ranged and thrown attacks to affect all enemies in a line. Hello and good morning, my name is Strimtom and I am here to bring you falconry. 6 arty levels for +1 dice, rune arm for dread set gearing, and 6 ap saved from harper tree. I suggested regular ranger for extra Imbue dice from the AA tree; however if you're going for tier-4 Dark Apostate, there's not many APs left to spare. the 2nd build in particular I thought I would make the 12 FvS levels interchangeable with some other classes in order to be able to make PL more infring doing damage anyway. Dual Shooter, Eye for Accuracy III, Law on your Side, Inquisitive Skills III Inquisitive build reaching 30 something imbue dice. In terms of maxing out Imbue dice, drow Alchemist 15 / ranger 3 / rogue 2 can have: 41 Inquisitive for +7 Imbue dice (plus capstone) Is viable to use a drow focusing on int (20) and Harper tree to hit with int and still be a good ranger? If yes, how he do that? We have vip and still learning about this great game. I wanted to try a pale trapper next life, but actually liked inquisitive this life. Falconry is cool and is something that a lot of people splash into but few actually use the top tier falconry ability death from above. I posted on the DDO Forums, but I'm not getting much feedback. Plus I get to jump around they way I like in a fight. 3x Ranger (+6 Ranged Damage) 3x Monk (+3 Damage) 3x Fighter (+3 to-hit) I treat DDO like Pokemon gotta get em all. You can also sub Arti for the Rogue and use Rune Arms, sub Wizard for the FvS (and/or the Ranger) and play it as WF EK, or PM etc. I was plannng on spending a lot of time at endgame and then running some EPLs after that. My favorite ranged build recently has been Alchemist 15 / Ranger 3 / Rogue 2. Right now I'm 39 points (will be 41 points at 20) in Inquisitive and I'm now starting to build up my war soul tree for focus on xbow (favored weapon due to inquisitive enhancement). I played a 16 rogue/2 monk/2 ranger through a dozen reaper Sharn sagas. First time I've really tried to put something together myself. Though if I'm trying to play devil's advocate, I'd say the Identity Crisis slow procs from Volley are a nice benefit to high reaper groups that Inquisitive can't provide. D. Apr 20, 2024 alright, the new inquisitive tree is live, and seem to be viable with a lot of builds styles, so lets take a knack at it. , Opportunist + Improved Evasion). You have +2 to your Spot skill and can produce a Barkskin effect three times per rest. Is there better clerics builds that can breeze through heroic or is this the best option? Hey, I played a lot of inqu builds, mostly 12 rog/6rang/2arty (sturdy, sneak attack with sniper shot) 15 alch/3rang/2rog (imbue build, nice alch buffs/boosts/heals) 18 alch/2arty (best heals/buffs/boosts) what seems to be better now? concentration on sneak attacks or imbues? Guess SA better for partyplay, imbues for solo would be happy to hear some experiences! Dark Hunter/favoured soul/rogue inquisitive Trapper 2. of note: -crossbow do not have an innate stat check for damage, so any class, race, enhancement that give this is a priority -focusing on the fusillade/no hold barrel aspect mean you will have to either sacrifice all other tier V abilities, or spash 4 lvl arti and lose Plenty of DPS, lots of buffs from spells and plenty of healing power for low reaper levels. Thanks I am a casual player who loves builds and trying to think of ways of synergizing classes. Inqui is really the way to go for your Ranger lives, my main's final build is a ranger/arti inqui and its just stupid crazy strong throughout Heroic, and synergizes so well with Ranger autogrants and Sniper Shot/Killer/Favored enemies etc. All augments are currently level 12 so swapping them out is a priority for pieces that wouldn't be replaced. EK/PM takes 21 EK, 6 PM. Ive been trying to make artificer crossbow builds (for artificer past lives) and it basically boils down to inquisitive vs great crossbows (t5 mechanic, endless fusilade). The Build: https://forums. Last edited by Strimtom; 05-02-2023 at 06:12 PM. Maybe even Quicken. Choosing DH instead of normal ranger is for trap skill. Just hit 20 with an iconic inquisitive intelligence-based build (11Ra/7Ro/2Ar) and looking at what gear is worth farming/swapping out on the way to 30. Alchemist 18/2 Alchemist/Artificer True Neutral Drow Which weapon / class / build / w/e is currently the strongest ranger? Both heroic and epic as well as legendary/endgame 14 day poll duration Asking because of the recently changed realities regarding *xbow speed and doubleshot. the extra ranged feats and Sniper Shot) are delayed because Fvs needs to be the majority of your levels to maintain your stat for hit/damage. Hi, sorry i'm having trouble finding an updated dual wielding xbow inquisitive build. If I am going inquisitive, I might swap to the ratcatcher at level 8. Just running solo R1, heroic only as I'll TR again at 20 or shortly after depending on how many tokens I have. So something like 41 Inquisitive / 23 Dark Apostate / 7 Feydark / 8 Warpriest (Smite Weakness + 1 Imbue die). So far, going higher than 10 in Ranger doesn't seem better than having more Arti and Fighter levels. So 2 arti Then 4 ranger - which lets you go to T4 in deep wood since t5 will be inquisitive Then back to arti. Crossbow for weapon, medium armor Inquisitive - main enhancement DDO is an awesome game, and trying-and-testing + making changes to suit your specific play style are a very healthy aspect of the game. The Monk is for Precision + Deflect Arrows, at a cost of 1 SA dice compared to 17 rogue. Currently running (slots): Inquisitive outdamages Great Crossbow. Based on this thread, the rate of fire of repeaters and dual xbows is roughly the same, but Inquisitive adds a bunch of damage per shot to dual xbows which repeaters don't get. I'm doing a racial TR rather than a class TR, so I'm not married to doing 10 Rog. DDO is an awesome game, and trying-and-testing + making changes to suit your specific play style are a very healthy aspect of the game. Right now AFAICT the only reason to use great crossbows is you want a pure Mechanic and don't own Inquisitive or Horizon Walker yet. If I take Arti2 and equip a rune arm, will I still get the Dual Shooter benefit or would I end up with a single non-repeater for my main weapon and the rune arm for secondary? Thanks. Even then, heroic-leveling an archer can be unsatisfying compared to, say, a good repeater or Inquisitive build. Hello, Looking for feedback and comments on this HC build. You aren't leveled enough in ranger or artificer to do epics without cocoon so you'll want it to be snazzy. Ranger 9 gives evasion, Ranger 11 IPS, Ranger 12 can take 4th DWS core, Ranger 15 has CSW and FoM. Unless you had something specific in mind: rogue 12 / Dark Hunter 6 / Artificer 2 (free Rapid Reload + Runearms). Heroic True Hearts of Wood and Hearts of Blood require Tokens of the Twelve which drop in certain Eberron quests on Epic Elite or Reaper difficulty as a general rule (Devil Assault is a weird exception to this but there are better quests to run to get tokens). I will heed your advice and acquire all 6 Ranger Past Life Feats first. Inquisitive walks through heroics and this investment makes your epic levels so much I take advantage of the maintenance to post 2 builds that I created using the branch of the Inquisitive and the falconer with iconic characters. com/index. my alt only has herioc comp and 1x epic comp (and no racial lives) so this build is much more low life friendly. The Lone Ranger is pretty solid too. The first is a blade forged paladin using totally Go to ddo r/ddo. edit: also high Int means more Skillpoints - which means UMD and Spot, importantly. Would like to run it as an inquisitive after playing one for the first time on an Arty life and seeing how ridiculously good it is. Stoner81 Well-known member. 40 in inquisitive 30 in warpriest and 10 in arti tree. ; Area of effect ranged attacks []. You get Goldskin and Heal from Alch 15, a lot of extra imbue from Ranger and Rogue splashes (as well as free evasion and Rapid Shot). Greater Shout and Meteor Swarm, to complement the single-targeting of ranged. Since Inquisitive requires 41 ap's and T5 enhancements, it rules out access to the T5 caster enhancements or capstones that typically give +2/3 to DC's. But working with the level split you have, and utilizing the repeater - it's a little I could easily drop another 4 levels in ranger instead of rogue. 2) Going Ranger at all seems like the critical pieces you're getting are 2 useful feats and Evasion. g. Rogue takes 27 Mech. Kali's Bard Spellsinger Inquisitive ranged/ CC+ Insta-kill caster hybrid build I've been looking at Ranger with bow, some sort of Inquisitive (not understanding why so many people use Artificer for Inquisitive) and Monk shuri. I've been consistently dealing a lot of damage and I can fairly easily clear rooms with the Inquisitive 'Endless Fusillade' on Reaper 2. Or you could just use regular ranger. Was thinking about 11/9 Ranger which gets me evasion and then IPS at 12, or 10/9 ranger/1 Title pretty much says it. If anybody has any advice to optimize things as far as enhancements or feats go, I'd welcome it. php/526831-Falconer-with-damage-using-inquisitive?p=6462033#post6462033If you want to help One issue with splitting Fvs and Ranger is that the benefits from Ranger (i. Rogue 6. 4) Dex is important for ranged feats, but you'll get some of them free from Ranger. Harper only needs 3 points , use insightful damage from arti 3 spell. I'm writing this with the particular mindset of Harper Agent's improved deception and how it Traditionally, ranged attacks affect a single target. The first is a blade forged paladin using Build guide: https://www. If you don't value Evasion that much OR you can wait until Shadowdancer Evasion kicks in, Dark Have you looked into a 15/3/2 imbue inquis? Basically, 15 alchi or wizard w/points in VC or EK, ranger/monk/warlock flavours for the other classes & depends on your preference - A look at greatcrossbow rogue in comparison to inquisitive, also why nobody plays 20 rogue. 5) Repeater (artificer) is better at low levels, Dual (Inquisitive) is better at high levels. My struggle with Improved Precise Shot is that my targeting automatically switches to the closest mob unless I manually select someone else, and when I am frantically backpedaling, I don't have time Plus, again - Sharn. A 2d6 profane sneak dice augment, and it can augment the Fire Attuned proc. I use the Law imbue from the Inquisitive tree and just use Vile Chemist to get a lot of extra dice. back with a new build, this time on my alt. php?threads/the-sonic-boomer-a-inquisitive-stormsinger. I chose a more dps-oriented option. I'm sure feat orders and such could probably be improved upon. Any recommendations on a divine inquisitive build? I’ve played rogue-heavy and Ranger-heavy already. Great crossbows get some extra sneak Need a quick cleric PL for completionist. It was interesting to try something different, but I'm going 17 rogue/2 artificer/1 monk next. It uses AOE spells, esp. DDO Noob Well-known member. alright, the new inquisitive tree is live, and seem to be viable with a lot of builds styles, so lets take a knack at it. Ranger takes 27 DWS (Sniper Shot + Killer). Great X-bow had its "15 minutes of fame" before inquisitive was released. My hav inquis was a tossup between 15 ranger, 3 rogue, 2 arty and 12 rogue, 6 ranger 2 arty. Also IIRC dual xbows get 1/2 Doubleshot (applied equally to each hand) while repeaters only get 1/3 Doubleshot (spread over the 3-bolt burst). The best repeater builds out damage the best Inquisitive builds right now and it's actually not even close. Artificer 4 for rune arm and free feats. A ranger is automatically entitled to Two Weapon Fighting at 2nd level, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it. All my builds in one place! Ranger 9 gives evasion, Ranger 11 IPS, Ranger 12 can take 4th DWS core, Ranger 15 has CSW and FoM. Mix in Ranger levels for the easy goodies from Are there any good inquisitive builds that have ranger as their highest level? I usually go the inquisitive rogue route, but I want to get my third Ranger and dark hunter are both excellent options that offer the deep wood hunter tree for more seam attack and other bonuses. ddo. Shadar-kai Wizard/Rogue EK Trapper 12 Wizard, 10 Epic, 6 Ranger, 2 Legendary, 2 Rogue Race: Drow· · · · · · · · ·Alignment: Chaotic Neutral · · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · 10% · · ·Displacement:· ·70% you will need lamish advice on how to get started in Favoured Soul Inquisitive - 18 Favoured Soul/2 Artificer Human Inquisitive using wisdom to hit and damage-Video Pale Master Has Never Been Better ~ Versatile and Fun - Halfing 20 Wizard Palemaster-Video Update 43 - The Soul Splitter Hardcore Wisdom Tempest Ranger - 20 Aasimar Scourge Tempest Ranger-Video 1-Full Build Favoured Soul Inquisitive - 18 Favoured Soul/2 Artificer Human Inquisitive using wisdom to hit and damage-Video Pale Master Has Never Been Better ~ Versatile and Fun - Halfing 20 Wizard Palemaster-Video Update 43 - The Soul Splitter Hardcore Wisdom Tempest Ranger - 20 Aasimar Scourge Tempest Ranger-Video 1-Full Build TWF provides no benefit to the use of two ranged weapons - in fact, it is not possible to wield two ranged weapons simultaneously in DDO - but see Inquisitive enhancements. Epic Hearts of Wood are just Heart Seeds or Commendations of Valor. Still works very well, even at end-game in high reaper groups. Dual Shooter, Eye for Accuracy III, Law on your Side, Inquisitive Skills III. IMHO Level Order should split ranger levels with trapper levels in between so you can Max out skills & NEVER pay the cross Class penalty, and you will still qualify for IPS by level 15. Repeaters are a different story. FavoredShooter 17/2/1 Favored Soul/Artificer Hello and good morning, my name is Strimtom and I am here to bring you falconry. You've spent 21 APs to get +2 Imbue dice from racial AA tree. 11/1 Ranger/Arti build (so far). I will heed droid327's advice and craft repeaters with Snowpeaks and Meteor gems for very low levels. Dungeons and Dragons Online Members I have been playing as a 9 ranger 7 rogue 4 art int based inquisitive build that’s floating in the multi class section of the forms to get my racials knocked out. My avatar already has some Epic Past Life Feats but more damage is always helpful. But that really could be the game's motto at this point But you're going to have to take a lot of rogue levels and not as many levels in other things. Item number 1 should be a rat catcher xbow. It comes from my experience playing DDO since it launched. Can be a bit of a pain to get (threnal chain end reward) that doesn’t I've been experimenting with Inquisitive as a 2 Arti/18 Ranger, and so far I've enjoyed it. 12/6/2 rogue, ranger, warlock (best, but assumes no other warlock in party i think) 13/6/1 woth barb for runspeed Favoured Soul Inquisitive - 18 Favoured Soul/2 Artificer Human Inquisitive using wisdom to hit and damage-Video Pale Master Has Never Been Better ~ Versatile and Fun - Halfing 20 Wizard Palemaster-Video Update 43 - The Soul Splitter Hardcore Wisdom Tempest Ranger - 20 Aasimar Scourge Tempest Ranger-Video 1-Full Build I really enjoy this ranger, and I hope you do too!Carpone 12 rogue / 6 ranger / 2 warlock: https://bit. The build utilises the Inquisitive tree for primary damage coupled with Harper Agent to give Intelligence to to-hit and damage. Title pretty much says it. It's how you learn and get better! Try not to stress too much about what some people have to say about how you play your game. Would a build like this work? 11 ranger for PL, ranged feats and evasion 7 wiz for pale master and lvl 4 spells 2 Arti for runearm and traps Full inquis Harper int to dam Pale master for immunities and selfheal Hello, I am building an Inquisitive End Game DPS toon and while working out all the details, I thought it might be helpful to post it online to see if others had input. Great crossbows get some extra sneak Need 3 cleric past lives to finish out completionist and conjuration dc’s. Dont listen to guides that says to take hide skill for the legendary feat, that feat was changed a while ago to not rely on hide. Pretty much just a trapper, imbue, inquisitive build put simply. In comes the Inquisitive, I saw it as an enhancement tree when I went use points but ignored it. Like, if you wanted to do the rogue/ranger inquisitive, you could make it work (IMO) with Fighter 1/Rogue 13/Ranger 6 (going for Fighter 1/Rogue 8/Ranger 6 when you build the character at level 15). There are other issues too, like not getting INT to damage until level 12 and starting CON 8 makes me wince. 41 inquisitive, 12 falconry, 6 harper, 12 AA, 9 assassin I use profane experiment, legendary dread isles curse, and leg silver concord set. Great crossbows get some extra sneak This build is an Inquisitive with Evocation. Base assumptions: Highest priority is DPS Ranged (I already have a melee rogue) Defense and self healing Assassins trick would be nice This is for a completionist, Epic completionist and will be a racial Hey there, I'm unsure with the lore surrounding the enhancements, however I feel like they're sharing skills with one another rather than being more distinct. then ignore ranger and go rogue all the way. One of my favorite current inqui builds is Rogue/Ranger/FvS, which can be played with either of the classes having as few as 1-2 levels (while still playing an important role) and have any of them the majority class. (Activate this ranger ability to toughen the skin of an ally, giving a +2 natural armor bonus to AC with an additional +1 bonus for every 3 caster levels above 3rd, to a maximum of +5 at caster level 12th. Just in DDO, its nowhere near as awesome as it could be. The mechanic enhancement tree and the inquisitive tree are both great ways to make a rogue, and using harper makes Alc inquisitive could have a lot of imbue like the post by unbongwah quoted above: In terms of maxing out Imbue dice, drow Alchemist 15 / ranger 3 / rogue 2 can have: 41 Inquisitive for +7 Imbue dice (plus capstone) 21 Vile Chemist for +6 dice (plus Wave of Poison SLA for poison-immunity stripping) 12 Arcane Archer for +4 dice; 11 drow for +1 dice At level 7 with Threnal X-bow Inquisitive becomes master and only gets better at separating itself from the other X-bow builds. Last is a bit more damage, but first one is more heals and buffs. What is it at endgame that makes Inquisitive OP? Thanks! Vault › General › DDO-Specific Discussion › Builds › Extremely High DPS Rogue inquis (Moderator: Strakeln) ‹ Previous Topic | Next Topic › Inquisitive (41 AP) • Inquisitive, Hit the Streets, Mind Like Iron, True Seeing, Undaunted, Master Inquisitive 1. This is my first attempt at creating a If you plan more Inquisitive lives, go Ranger for +2 damage in future lives. Though you might want 8 to get kta. Working on my 4th alt Got a few heroic past-lives from years ago, only two epic past-lives so far, zero racial past-lives, and 16 reaper points so far. I am going for the Ranger past life so no Dark Hunter this time around. Empower Heal is great for epic levels with cocoon. I'm looking at Ranger 10 / Arti 9 / 1 Fighter or Ranger 10/ Arti 6 / 4 Fighter. 3505/If you want to help me afford ramen and 1-ply toilet pape Ive been trying to make artificer crossbow builds (for artificer past lives) and it basically boils down to inquisitive vs great crossbows (t5 mechanic, endless fusilade). Problem is I'm (probably) going to hate levelling all of these (Inquisitive might be OK, not sure how well they deal with packs) so I don't really want to try this three times to see which one works Hello and good morning, my name is Strimtom and I am here to bring you falconry. The main advantage to 4 fighter levels seems to be 2 Second Winds and 3 bonus feats. Leveling ranged weapons is a nightmare for the majority of weapons. native ranger trees vs horizon walker vs inquisitive vs falconry - post u54 / 2022 . edit I'd recommend trying various builds like 15 paladin 4 artificer 1 dark hunter; 15 artificer 5 ranger; 12 ranger 4 artificer 2 rogue/dh; 12 arti 5-6 ranger/dh 2-3 rogue - or more supportive t5 Renegade Mastermaker artificers that play more like healer/utility outside their big ticket strikes or deepwood stalker t5 or other stuff like that. Kensai provides extra action boosts ranger and rogue were for evasion and extra point blank shot range. Can solo most quests at R1-R3. I’ve been told already that Pally just isn’t fun as a ranged DPS toon if you’ve played it melee. Ratcatcher is already in the bank from my existing Inquisitive. 1. Dark Hunter can put a few points in the dark Hunter tree and This build has excellent trapping skills, deals decent dps (even after U45), is able to resurrect and heal with scrolls, plus can take a punch. r/ddo. My main has 91 past lives and I have a second main with 23 past lives (don't ask I regret it). In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. Harper Agent is a high level generalist where as Inquisitive is a ranged combatant with some of the 'social' skills at play. this build gets much better with past lives but it doesnt really need it. Dungeons and Dragons Online. . FvS is WIS or CHA based, so Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set!Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. Also doing lawful or chaotic damage the inquisitive runs into less issues with resistant enemies than Battle Engineer Level 12-20 Inquisitive ( because the Tier 5 for inquisitive is really strong ) Aragorn is the best ranger. of note: -crossbow do not have an innate stat check for damage, so any class, race, enhancement that give this is a priority -focusing on the fusillade/no hold barrel aspect mean you will have to either sacrifice all other tier V abilities, or spash 4 lvl arti and lose Past Life: Warrior of the Wild: You recall more about your past life as a ranger. Rogue 16. Im not threatened by a nerf because i am Ranger class after all. Bing wants to search both the old and new forums and all my queries have returned old, possibly outdated builds. ironically, going into Inquisitive if imbue dice was what you're after. Was thinking 12 cleric / 6 ranger / 2 arti. Along with a smattering of alts. 1) Going 9 levels into Ranger (when builds often only do 2-6) seems like a big commitment in the class, and as far as I can tell the critical piece is Evasion, and Improved Wild Empathy is helpful. If I am doing a great crossbow build I wait until level 12. Will probably be doing three or four EPLs at least. If you don't have Arty, you can sub barbarian (+10% runspeed) or fighter (extra feat) or even warlock (ES Aura to proc Arcane Warrior); and take rogue 13 for +1d6 sneak attack plus second rogue ability (e. Looking to do an inquisitive build to breeze through heroic. com/forums/showthread. Ranger 11. ly/3QCNzILCarpone 13 rogue / 6 ranger / 1 monk: https: Rogue 12 / Dark Hunter 6 makes more sense for an Inquisitive build IMO, where your crit bonuses and Imbue damage comes from Inquisitive while adding a bunch of sneak attacks from rogue/DH/DWS. Artificer 4 for rune In DDO, those who use the Inquisitive Universal Enhancement tree gain skills that focus on Diplomacy, Law/Chaos damage, finding hidden things, and a new Dual-Crossbow • Inquisitive, Hit the Streets, Mind Like Iron, True Seeing, Undaunted, Master Inquisitive. Rogue It is also a good set for a ranger build. Go to 9 and you get evasion. Looking for one using Cleric or FVS as the base, probably using War Priest/Soul as secondary tree. I take advantage of the maintenance to post 2 builds that I created using the branch of the Inquisitive and the falconer with iconic characters. e. 2. What is nice about this build is that a Inquisitive doesn't require a maxed out stat to do well. This is a an INT-based Inquisitive using 17 rogue, 2 arti, and 1 barbarian. Can I get some build recommendations? Rogue Shadar-Kai Inquisitive Rogue I played DDO when is first came out up until the Epic Destinies were added. ) Hello and good morning, my name is Strimtom and I am here to bring you falconry. bzqloh onuj eixw tbguy kfodr vyzwvm odnx qqytzr obu lvxz qiko otcdzb onmegi zsfbq qoohvih