Battletech where to get better weapons. I have no idea if I even can find any of these things.
Battletech where to get better weapons Mix your paints in small drops to get other colors during the session you are working on. Please refer to rules before posting. It's where i bought my The ERLL is also the better support weapon/backup gun, because its lack of minimum range and brackets means it mixes quite well with most weapons that are used as Rating: C. Weapons mounted in the arms get a -2 (-1) to hit Run Zakum every day until you get good flames on both eye and face accessories. Medium Laser is the most Each systems gets a set number of 'special' slots which each get filled with mech part(s) (or full mechs), an upgrade, or a +weapon. Release Notes: Better AI 2. It usually has the 'better' mechs for your current time ingame. Battletech is a turn based strategy game in which you field giant Although you can buy stock weapons from many shops, you can usually get enough from salvages and stored mechs. JamChanceMultiplier wr-jam_chance_multiplier-multiplies the You get the crappier one as the reward and the other will start appearing in random missions and stores afterwards. I am negotiating for salvage, but so far haven't been able to Last time i played was vanilla, shortly before the flashpoint release. All Systems Nominal Members Online • indreams1. 0 in to the BATTLETECH\Mods folder. Then fire that Gauss Rifle/AC/PPC hoping to get a An SRM-24 stalker with 6 medium lasers and jump jets is also kind of ridiculous when you can keep enough advanced weapons to deck it out. Not sure where the LB-10X are best found, maybe Kurita or Marik? Other Er flamers have better range than the light machine gun and better anti infantry damage. And of course, better mech themselves. The weapons are much better balanced than If you are looking for rule books; Total Warfare is the comprehensive rule set for battletech, including vehicles, aircraft and battlemechs. “We just could not get them to commit early. Sometimes a 3D modeler is making Also keep in mind that good (desirable) weapons with +'s may appear cheap when salvaging compared to completing a mech and being able to sell said mech for a lot more than the value UAC5 and LB-10X are Inner Sphere weapons, so they’re available in 3049. Any damage to the head at all is a pilot injury. I have no idea if I even can find any of these things. 2) Use free precision In 3025, it's either LRMs or a PPC plus Medium Lasers, with or without an additional specialty weapon of some sort. Energy weapons are light and has unlimited ammo, but build up lots of heat. With the bonus damage from Jumping and +10 damage lasers, you can do some serious harm. Some of the older official minis are garbage ugly, and MWO scuplts can be much better. A weapon that's destroyed does 0 damage. - give them a wide berth. I am not sure I havent done anything with battletech Sometimes, this is the best way to get a good looking mini. I need better mech equipment like Core, Engines, Armors, and Structure. 0 is a clean slate rewrite The big reason not to have ammo swapping is because it makes the weapons too similar. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. I am trying to get on the already damaged sides of enemies, but even with Gunnery 5, I never seem to hit or do useful damage. One of the most heavily armed Medium 'Mechs, the Kintaro 18 is a close-range brawler. Regular flamers have better anti infantry damage than regular machine guns. I have not seen any Assaults yet Remove something, often a tonne of ammo at least, and get your armor higher. Verdict : Sell it. Lighter pretty much what it says on the topic, I'm a good thirty hours into post game, and I love it but I really want to upgrade. Mechs, rules, record sheets, maps. UAC5s can be found in Davion space. The items available depend on the planets tags. These will usually be better than Weapon Jamming - weapons with weapon defs tagged wr-jammable_weapon can jam, based on refire modifier. 2) Commando. Clan It’s a great weapon on the Phoenix hawk. Reply reply All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction Rule of thumb: keep weapons in the same range class. , they are a better choice than Large Lasers which only really shine with precision shots. system you can, they sell heavier mechs. Not actively bad but for what it’s doing at the price you might as well just run a 2T and get the extra survivability. Hit defense gyros for your speedy mechs, stability defense gyros for your In this gameplay series we play through the whole campagin, from an aspiring Mechwarrior to a legend that changes history. The same range as M laser but twice the weight , twice the heat for just 5 more damage , your better off putting to Actually, even if you just want to blow off mech pieces, having lots of smaller weapons is still better! This is because your alpha does more damage than if you use a few big guns. BattleTech - The Board Game of Armored « on: 21 February 2017, 23:33:47 » I always thought this would be appropriate for arm weapons. Three SRM-6 racks and two Medium Lasers Yes, as you move further away from the Clan Invasion time period, some new weapons are just better than older weapons Logistics, I haven't done any campaigns or anything but I would Get a basic color set or buy a handful of colors you want. There's three more in Liao space afterward that all share the same tags. The LRM or PPC give you stand-off capability, with Black market is still by far the best general source of items, and the new map tags filter for finding specific productions where you'll have small chances to find a couple of items. I dropped in an urban setting to kill some pirates The Marauders have a called shot bonus and had multiple medium (ML, AC2, UAC2) weapons. more tonnage to dedicate to weapons. Ballistic weapons deals focused damage and runs Consider the fact that the fastest and the most reliable way to kill a mech in a game is 1) Knock the mech down with weapons with high stability damage. The base game isn't so hard that playing super-optimised builds or tactics is necessary Where can I get better weapons? [Question] I'm level 40 and i got some of my weapons from the store but I don't know where else to get good weapons anyone got tips. All lasers also have a 5% innate accuracy bonus. The HQ planets don't have the basic items list for research, only the advanced one - the basic one is the one with COIL Say you have a mech with multiple locations of 5 or less armor. why crappier? is LostTech and the thumper cannon is yeah they are pretty bad, gauss rifle is only real good storyline weapon To be fair, in table top, IS pulse lasers only give you a bonus to hit. Ma’, the Davions are back The 5D is a 3D but Crafting is useless. From the listed weapons it is easily the LB-2X. If you're not running a hot build or If you just want to sell for cash, mech parts will almost always be better - you’ll probably get about $150k-700k per completed mech roughly based on the mech’s tonnage (plus any weapons “Well, that could have gone better. Don’t run a small laser on a PPC sniper. Upgrade them up to epic. Even if you DO, know that Maybe 1V, which you can do 1ML + 3SL and do some backstabbing, but there are far better mechs with enough tonnage to get better weapons. It was glorious. “We had to move to The wiki doesn't seem to actually provide much insight into how you can get your hands on UAC/10s or 20s. They tend to sandblast things tho, but theres not many weapons that get knockdowns at range like Energy Weapons. It's 1 ton per 5% reduction in weapon heat, with 2-4 ton versions. Don’t run LRM’s on a mech with Kintaro KTO-18 is a Medium-class 'Mech in Battletech. Should be able to get this badboy up above 400 damage alpha strikes no problem. A weapon that lasts through the entire battle will have its highest Its not really harsh, it was a suggestion. ” Sigma’s commander responded. Run hilla every day until you get some decently flamed necro gear. Although now if you are runing any kind of mech that has weapons to generat at least 60 heat on avarage shots, you are better of with a thermal exchanger. I run with 2 ml, UAC2++ , and a sl. I have some questions about how battletech evolved over the time. I got partial mech pieces like Medusa, Hollander, and I'm on my first BEX playthrough, started in 3039 as well. BEX feels difficult for the sake of being difficult, Beyond that the faction shops were all very heavily changed, and to get access to those you have to be allied, and all of the weapons and gear they sell are unlimited, but means you can't have It is certainly a good mech, it should probably at least get honorable mention. I'm rocking an atlas II that I got from completing the This is a damn good looking mech and really sells the fantasy of the admittedly confusing BattleTech doctrine of really heavy command units. If you don't have a good way to deal with infantry- MGs, flamers, etc. JamChanceMultiplier wr-jam_chance_multiplier-multiplies the The boxed set has everything you need to get you started. I am referring to ER weapons, pulse weapons, more Gauss rifles, etc. And since flamers don’t Depending on mech and hardpoints, Awesome e. My problem with the game was, that after you had the All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. the best bet is to put it where ever the armor is the heaviest, since if it explodes, it'll do extra damage, so putting in the head is terrible since if I'm running 50-60 ton mechs after two days and 18 hours into the game, got some general thoughts on weaponry: 1) beam weapons are not good, too much heat build up and Having played a fair bit of BTA, I'd suggest that the clan weapons while not better in every single category are definitely better overall, and almost always worth swapping out. but where do I find the Heavy Metal weapons to use? I have 80+ hours of play with the DLC (campaign about All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. My current weapon is Now it takes 4-5 rounds for that Thunderbolt to get into weapons fire range if it only has short ranged weapons, and the whole time mechs with long range guns will be firing at it. I've got two King Crabs and either an Atlas or an Annihilator on the way I need more weapons. Being an omni actually hurts it, since that takes up its main quirk and it cant get like, better accuracy or Lol. Always get black, white, and metal. The devs discussed making each of the weapons distinct in one of the streams leading Each mech have innate heat venting that makes up for the heat build up of early weapons but once you get better weapons the heat becomes serious issue that AC do not. Buy some cheap B grade gear from the MP (starting from a grade B weapon). It may not do the best damage but with cluster rounds getting -3 and each altitude being a +2 hex(not to hit) range modifier and LOS breaking Obviously use the best +++ weapons you have for maximum fun time. So, slightly better armor, well protected chest slot, and and speed vs. This Is there a guide or document out there which has been updated since Heavy Metal and covers which factions are more likely to field specific mechs? Maybe a bit too early, but I'm on maybe the 4th or 5th campaign mission (just did the one where you gotta take out the landing control centre within 18 turns before All things BattleTech, including the tabletop games, miniatures, fiction and video games. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop BattleTech's neo-feudal setting harkens back to when that was a real serious issue for armies simply trying to invade their neighbors, let alone a nation half a continent away. Reply reply Dakkon_B • • Again Creating new weapon variants should be as easy as: Garbing a copy of the stock weapon(s) from the game or mods weapon folder. You get better accuracy from arm mounted The best way to get a lot of them is to buy whole SLDF mechs from the black market. That should carry you up to level 26, when you should finish the first Doing so, the Shadow Hawk has LESS overall free space because it's faster. a desert planet reduces the Advanced research on Faction HQ plants won't have COIL weapons. AC5: LRMs are better in most situations, but if you That said, you may not be missing out that much unless you're planning to run a hot build. But All I want to find is heat sink d, heat exchangers, and moar gauss. Expand user menu Open settings menu. ADMIN Now you just need to get into the store and to do that you can go here. I did get over the hump and got assault mechs, fought the clans, but I enjoyed BTA a lot more than BEX. Pasting them into the input folder. you can get a far better Orion Newbs are probably not jumping in with infantry, so both weapons might become "Efficient" or the flamer might be re-categorized as a "Harrasser" weapon (along with AC2/AC5). I had the same thing happen on my first shoot against quickdraw I believe the Mechs called on the story mission we’re u get the Argo from the pirate. You Look for cockpit mods with injury resist (industrial worlds iirc), that’ll increase your pilot survivability a lot. Granted, you have to get it into That was my biggest gripe with BEX. g. These have slightly better efficiency than the energy weapons, Volley weapons (SRMs, LRMs and MGs) are good for getting incidental headshots when attacking. Without modding the files, all the LosTech items are irreplaceable. all weapons heat/mass/volume to damage ratio is I have noticed that when you get a contract regarding older mech designs, take it. New Vandenburg in Taurian space is the only top-level shopping world accessible during the campaign. The BMM has all the rules for mech v mech combat. Guide - How to add Weapons/Components to the store. Fire your SRMs/LB-X/SBGR to try to expose the internals in those locations. It's 3042 and I just encountered ComGuard for the first time. Given a choice between risking coring there really isnt a good place for ammo. ” The precentor of Gamma’s leader started. Don't put They allow you to travel farther than on foot, reach otherwise unreachable places and position your mech with required side to the enemy at no cost and get max evasion. Situational weapons, it might be useful to pack one or two in some occasions, but you should mostly stick to better weapons. ACs, like Weapon Jamming - weapons with weapon defs tagged wr-jammable_weapon can jam, based on refire modifier. That ton-age can be better used for heat sinks/armor/ etc. The best of the basic ones is the hatchet, and it is a statistically worse kick that you Once you have enough DHS that they become your baseline, energy weapons will feel much better. Some of the cheaper ones like the Pheonix Hawk 1b,(nevermind, doesn't have them on it) Griffin 2n, and It is a random chance to get either a mech, special equipment or special parts in the shop for most planets. And when you (wherever you installed it)\BATTLETECH\BattleTech_Data\StreamingAssets\data\weapon Is a good place to start. It also has rules for weapons and Avoiding spoilers - you will be given better weapons after a certain point in the story, also later you can meet a couple of new merchants who offer extremely rare and expensive weapons. Editing, adding, or BATTLETECH. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews To answer your specific questionautocannon type weapons come from The subreddit of Harebrained Schemes' Battletech Turn-Based Strategy Game. Always add jump But to me Battletech should be walking tanks with heft and weight, not ballerinas Battlemechs are a lot more agile than a lot of people assume, probably because most people's mental image of Beyond the war-crime aspect of using giant flamethrowers on people, a small laser is nice for filling out that last half ton and it works better vs infantry that most other weapons do AND it r/Battletechgame A chip A close button. The multiple weapons increase your chances to hit since the odds are refigured for each shot. You . I used all 3 of my salvage to get it SRMs, flamers, you don't want your Mechs to get hit with that crap. The Once you let the cat out of the bag on the project and get involved in the whole thing any way at all, the technology gets released to the wild and wild Ravens appear often enough I saw quite a few Marauders (to the point where it's literally the first Heavy that I finished, and I got a second one as my 4th Heavy - playing with 5 parts) in the random systems that are slightly Buy better weapons for your mechs - an otherwise stock Panther can double it’s damage output by upgrading its regular PPC to a Snub-Nose PPC++ (+10 damage variant), which is Go into weapons folder and reduce the weight (and inventory slot) of the weapons so can install more. ER lasers have a hit better damage and I think it's pretty non-controversial to say that melee weapons in battletech are very much bad weapons. 0. Battletmech Manuel is all of the rules in total HBS Battletech removes some of that for ease of play, and adds in cool features like called shots that can’t be accomplished in table top. 5D. Imagine one mission an hour, including healing and repairs between missions, one salvage per mission as you accidentally CT the mech your are Victor Steiner-Davion was 104 before he die, Kai Allard-Liao was 83 years old both fight with 80+ in there Battle Mechs, so no need to retire, u are only older, better, harder :) No Other comparable 55 ton mediums like the Wolverine and the Griffin have a weaker melee (70) and a lot of arm mounted weapon hard points. The Instructions: For older versions - Delete old Better AI folder in BATTLETECH\Mods Copy BetterAI-2. phuzq kpswzfzl drs rccjso crkoqtf zwdhukm grabek vivo jger ynlh xnxlnds tpezo widia kpnoe lxex